DIY Mini Pallet Coasters
I came across these mini pallet coasters while watching "The Sorry Girls" on YouTube. They were so adorable and super easy to make. I replicated the mini pallet coasters in just 5 easy steps!
My Tools:
Silver Gel Pen
12 Popsicle Sticks
Glue Gun
Step 1:
Measure & cut the ends of the popsicle sticks.
Step 2:
Hot glue five popsicle sticks just like the images above.
Step 3
Start glueing the top of the pallet by glueing one popsicle stick on each end, and then one in the middle.
Step 4
Fill in the spaces with two popsicle sticks on both sides of the middle popsicle stick.
Step 5
With the silver gel pen, add two dots on each end of the popsicle sticks to make them look like little nails are hammered into the pallet.
Now your pallet coasters are complete! You can paint yours any color you'd like for a personalized touch. "The Sorry Girls" soaked theirs in coffee before glueing to give it a darker wood effect. I kept them as is, because I like the color of the original popsicle sticks.
I hope this 5 step walk through was easy enough to follow in order for you to make your own mini pallet coasters. They are so easy & cheap to make.
Bonus: They make awesome gifts too!